Blogosphere Category

13 Rails Practices to Avoid

Josh Symonds writes Rails Worst Practices: 13 Coding Nightmares You Should Avoid.

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Rails 2.2 RC 2 Released

DHH announces the release of Rails 2.2 Release Candidate 2. It's the last stop before Rails 2.2 final!

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Webbynode is a new scalable, Xen VPS hosting company whose service is currently in beta. They are looking for further beta testers particularly from the Rails field.

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Milestone for DB2 on Rails

Antonio Cangiano writes A major milestone for DB2 on Rails.

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Scaling ActiveRecord with MySQLPlus

Ilya Grigorik writes about the successes - so far - in using MySQLPlus with Rails 2.2's database connection pool to improve ActiveRecord's scalability.

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Ben Johnson says that Authgasm is "Rails authentication done right." Check it out and see for yourself.

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131 Rails Apps from Rails Rumble

TechCrunch writes "131 Rails Apps Launched This Past Weekend; You Get To Vote For The Best." It's a good introduction to Rails Rumble.

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Do Rails Developers Need Merb? asks Do Ruby on Rails Developers Need Merb?

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Rails 2.0.5: A security release

David Heinemeier Hansson has announced Rails 2.0.5, a point release of the now dated 2.0.x family. It's just a security release with two fixes.

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Meaningful URLs

John Desu shows how to play with Rails' routing to get meaningful (and beautiful) URLs.

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