Events Category


Ignite RailsConf - Pre-Conference Lightning Talks on June 6, 2010

Baltimore's Rails community is welcoming this year's RailsConf with an un-official pre-party the evening before RailsConf begins: Ignite RailsConf. Ignite events are lightning talks, where 16 speakers each get 5 minutes to talk about a subject they are passionate about, but…


Finland's First Rails Conference - May 7, 2010

The Frozen Rails conference is set to be Finland’s first and finest Rails conference. The conference has a high-profile line-up, and we have managed to get three core developers (Yehuda Katz, Carl Lerche, and Pratik Naik), Chris Wanstrath, and other stars…


Weekend Free? Join The Rails 3 BugMash And Make A Difference

Rizwan Reza got in touch to let everyone know that a special Rails BugMash takes place this weekend (January 16-17, 2010).. it's a Rails 3 focused BugMash! Fix a known issue with Rails 3.0, report a bug, test some gems or plugins,…


Want To Speak At RailsConf 2010? Submit Your Proposals Now

Want to impress your fellow Rails developers? Want to get a free pass to the world's definitive Rails conference to see great keynote speakers of the caliber of Tim Ferriss? Submit a proposal to speak at RailsConf 2010 - taking place June…


It's RailsConfing in Baltimore - June 7-10, 2010

The circus is falling down on its knees, the big top is crumbling down.. The venue for the forthcoming RailsConf 2010 conference has been announced: Baltimore, Maryland - a city allegedly named after someone with a hunger for curry.

If you thought you…


Petition: We Think RailsConf Sessions Should Be Recorded, Properly

This year, RailsConf brought in a new idea of allowing people to record sessions themselves and upload them to The problem is, few people are carrying good gear around to conferences, and even fewer want to hold up their Flip…

DHH's RailsConf 2009 Keynote Now Available

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Tim Ferriss' RailsConf Keynote Bores Audience To Tears; Mass Walk Out

The evening keynote on the first full day of RailsConf 2009 was delivered by Tim Ferriss and David Heinemeier Hansson in a "fireside chat" interview format. Tim Ferriss is a productivity guru most famous for his book The 4 Hour Workweek which…


An Early RailsConf 2009 Roundup

We're two days into proceedings here at RailsConf and things have gone pretty smoothly. One day of tutorials and one day of the conference proper with over 1000 developers in attendance.

Gregg Pollack of RailsEnvy has put together a 4 minute video with…


See You at RailsConf! Got A Story? Let's Chat.

I'm leaving to start my RailsConf trip tomorrow morning, swinging by Los Angeles for a couple of days beforehand. I'll be wearing my usual red glasses and will be eager to talk to anyone about their projects for coverage either…

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