Miscellaneous Category


Get the Obie Fernandez Wallpaper

If you've a Rails developer, no doubt you've probably heard of Obie Fernandez, the founder of Hashrocket and instigator of the controversial Rails Maturity Model. Well, now you can celebrate your love for the chap with this professionally designed wallpaper by nGen…


9 Top Rails Jobs for April 2009

No matter how long the recession drags out for, there seems to be no let up at all on the Rails job front - especially if you're near San Francisco or New York (but we have telecommuting positions listed too!). And.. if…


20 Things That Suck About Other People's Rails Code

Chad Fowler surveyed his Twitter audience and came up with 20 Rails Development No-No's. It makes for entertaining reading.

In short, people hate:

  • Code in views
  • Bad tabbing / spacing indentation
  • Lack of tests
  • Misuse of Single Table Inheritance
  • Poor exception handling
  • Ruby idioms they don't understand
  • Rails idioms…

Video Review of Rails Magazine Issue 1

A couple of weeks ago, Olimpiu Metiu got in touch with me to tell me about his new Rails magazine, Rails Magazine. We've heard a lot of promises about English-language Rails magazines in the past but little has materialized (not…


Scrooge: An Automatic Database Query Optimizer

Scrooge (or Github repository) is a "dynamic query optimizer" (created by Lourens Naudé) that's framework and ORM agnostic but, naturally, will probably find its biggest market in Ruby land with Rails developers. To this end, Ilya Grigorik has put together an…


Rufus Scheduler: Simple Task Scheduling from Rails Apps

Brent Collier of Intridea has written Dead simple task scheduling in Rails that highlights the use of Rufus-Scheduler, by John Mettraux, to perform, well.. dead simple tasks scheduling from a Rails app!

Rufus-Scheduler is the latest version of a scheduler previously known as…

ObjectiveResource: An Objective C port of ActiveResource puts the iPhone on Rails

ObjectiveResource (or Github repository) is a framework for iPhone developers (or, conversely, Rails developers who want to branch their app out to the iPhone) that allows you to interact easily between iPhone and Rails apps.

In essence, ObjectiveResource s a port of…

attr_encrypted: Encrypts and Decrypts Your Attributes Transparently

attr_encrypted is a Ruby library by Sean Huber that generates attr_accessors that can encrypt and decrypt your attribute data transparently and on the fly. attr_encrypted comes as a gem, and isn't strictly for Rails only - it supports ActiveRecord and DataMapper…


5 Interesting Rails Jobs for December 2008

Looking for a job where you can work on Rails apps? You're in the right place! Recently we've had several Rails-focused positions added to the Ruby jobs board. Alternatively, if you're a company looking to hire Ruby and Rails developers…


Metal: Super-fast Endpoints within your Rails Apps

Yesterday, David Heinemeier Hansson officially announced Rails Metal - a new feature of edge Rails (and so Rails 2.3). Metal uses edge Rails' use of Rack to present a more barebones interface to incoming requests. Instead of routing every request through the…

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