Compilation Posts Category


5 Interesting Rails Jobs for December 2008

Looking for a job where you can work on Rails apps? You're in the right place! Recently we've had several Rails-focused positions added to the Ruby jobs board. Alternatively, if you're a company looking to hire Ruby and Rails developers…


3 Ways To Build Fake Demo Data For Your Rails App

You've finished the first sprint of your new Rails application and you're ready to show it to the client - or are you? Most user interfaces look better when they're actually filled with data. You could sit down and start…

The 8 Most Fun Rails Jobs Available Today (August 2008)

From our Rails jobs board comes some amazing sounding jobs this month! I'm almost tempted to emigrate and apply for a few.

The working environments include a gaming startup, a skunkworks at an adult entertainment company, a house in Los Angeles, and the prestigious…