New to Rails 3? Check out the Ruby on Rails 3 Tutorial book and screencast.
A book and screencast series showing you how to develop and deploy industrial-strength Rails apps in a direct, step by step way.
The screencast series includes 12 lessons over more than 15 hours! Get the best "over the shoulder" experience of following what a top Rails 3
developer does when building an app today. Click here to learn more.

The guy at Fingertips have come up with an OS X preference pane for Phusion Passenger (a.k.a. mod_rails) that makes it a cinch to deploy Rails applications using Passenger on the Mac. It can be as simple as dragging a Rails application folder onto the preference pane! This is absolutely ideal for quick and easy Rails development on OS X.
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March 20th, 2010 at 2:14 am
It would be great if it worked. I can add apps all day and it doesn't manage to save them.