New to Rails 3? Check out the Ruby on Rails 3 Tutorial book and screencast.
A book and screencast series showing you how to develop and deploy industrial-strength Rails apps in a direct, step by step way.
The screencast series includes 12 lessons over more than 15 hours! Get the best "over the shoulder" experience of following what a top Rails 3
developer does when building an app today. Click here to learn more.
In his "What's New in Edge Rails" series, Ryan Daigle has just written about "default scoping." You're probably familiar with regular named scopes on Rails models, but now there's a default_scope method that defines a scope that exists by default on find methods.
DHH announces the release of Rails 2.2 Release Candidate 2. It's the last stop before Rails 2.2 final!
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Mike Gunderloy on November 14, 2008 :
You've finished the first sprint of your new Rails application and you're ready to show it to the client - or are you? Most user interfaces look better when they're actually filled with data. You could sit down and start…
Webbynode is a new scalable, Xen VPS hosting company whose service is currently in beta. They are looking for further beta testers particularly from the Rails field.
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In Goodbye attachment_fu, hello Paperclip, The Web Fellas present a walkthrough of Paperclip, a new(ish) Rails plugin that makes file (and particularly image) uploads easy. It's well worth a read, especially if you're just starting to develop a new app…
Antonio Cangiano writes A major milestone for DB2 on Rails.
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Mike Gunderloy on November 5, 2008 :
There are certainly plenty of plugins available to handle authentication in Rails, with perhaps the most commonly-used being Restful Authentication. But there's always room for one more, and the latest I've run across is Ben Johnson's authlogic. It takes a…
Peter Cooper on November 4, 2008 :
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Take approximately 500 Rails coders with a weekend to spare, an awesome collection of prizes, and a stackload of Linode virtual servers and you end up with Rails Rumble - a significant annual contest to develop the best Rails application possible in…
Mike Gunderloy on November 3, 2008 :
Most Rails developers are familiar with the repetitive grunt work between running the rails command and starting in on custom code: adding plugins, setting up git, initializing Capistrano, bringing in your usual custom rakefile, and so on. There are projects…
Just two months ago, Gregg Pollack and Jason Seifer of the Rails Envy podcast launched Envy Casts, a micro-publisher in the Rails scene. In anticipation of the release of Rails 2.2, they've released both a Ruby on Rails 2.2 Screencast and a…