New to Rails 3? Check out the Ruby on Rails 3 Tutorial book and screencast.
A book and screencast series showing you how to develop and deploy industrial-strength Rails apps in a direct, step by step way.
The screencast series includes 12 lessons over more than 15 hours! Get the best "over the shoulder" experience of following what a top Rails 3
developer does when building an app today. Click here to learn more.
Mike Gunderloy has written an excellent thirteen step guide to contributing to Rails - step by step. He covers:
- Getting Git
- Checking out the Rails source code
- Setting up and running the tests that come with Rails (so you can check that your…
Ben Johnson says that Authgasm is "Rails authentication done right." Check it out and see for yourself.
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Vasco (Github repository) is a "route explorer" for Rails developed by Relevance, Inc and released under an MIT license. Effectively it provides a Web-based UI to explore the RESTful routes configured for your Rails app. It installs as a plugin.
With Vasco,…
David Heinemeier Hansson has announced Rails 2.0.5, a point release of the now dated 2.0.x family. It's just a security release with two fixes.
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Peter Cooper on October 17, 2008 :
1 Comment
Hot off the back of the Rails Guides hackfest came a lot of great new Rails documentation. Now joining that documentation comes an all new Ruby on Rails Security Guide. Clocking in at almost 11,000 words, the guide covers RJS injection,…
John Desu shows how to play with Rails' routing to get meaningful (and beautiful) URLs.
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