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Spree - An Open Source Rails E-commerce Platform

In Tools


Spree (GitHub repository) is an open source e-commerce platform based on Rails. provides a good example of it in action.

Spree is Rails 2.1 compatible, distributed as a gem, designed to be very extensible, and includes production ready data models and full administrative interface. The developers stress, however, that you'll still need to do quite a bit of custom coding to get it where you want it. This isn't an "out of the box" solution. Spree is BSD-licensed, so commercial use is okay (with the requirement of copyright notice reproduction).

You can follow a quick start guide for either Gem based installation or a Git based workflow.

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3 Comment Responses to “Spree - An Open Source Rails E-commerce Platform”

  1. #1
    Nick Says:

    Wow! This looks a heck of a lot nicer than Substruct (another open-source ecommerce rails project), especially when you consider the license.

    The design looks a little sparse, but I guess that doesn't matter much since it's easy to customize.

  2. #2
    Spree: Open Source E-commerce for Rails Apps Is Even Better Says:

    [...] in September 2008, we posted about Spree, an open source Rails e-commerce platform that was then in its infancy. Now, however, Spree is [...]

  3. #3
    Spree - e-commerce open source para aplicações Rails ficou ainda melhor Says:

    [...] Setembro de 2008 escrevemos um artigo sobre o Spree, uma plataforma de e-commerce open source para Rails que estava começando a ser criada, mas hoje [...]

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