News Category

Rails and Merb Bury the Hatchet

One of the most persistent memes of the Rails world - that the Rails and Merb teams are locked in a titanic battle for the mindshare of developers using Ruby web frameworks - died abruptly today, in the aftermath of…

GitHub Keeps Busy: Adds Pages and Forked Queues

It may be the holiday season, but the folks behind GitHub are clearly not taking the month off. In the last few days, they've rolled out two big new features in their continuing quest to be the place for git-based hosting.



Passenger 2.0.4 Released: Now With Global Queuing and Background Process Support

It's hard to believe that Phusion's Passenger (sometimes known as mod_rails or mod_rack) is only 8 months old, but it's already become the de facto Rails deployment technology. David Heinemeier Hansson was prescient as ever in April when he declared "This could…


Rails 2.2 Released

Yes folks, Rails 2.2 is here! Coming just six months after Rails 2.1, Rails 2.2 is still definitely the most exciting Rails release yet - you get internationalization, Ruby 1.9 support, thread safety, connection pooling, and a lot more. The number…


RailsRumble 2008 Winners Announced

Take approximately 500 Rails coders with a weekend to spare, an awesome collection of prizes, and a stackload of Linode virtual servers and you end up with Rails Rumble - a significant annual contest to develop the best Rails application possible in…


Rails 2.2 Release Candidate 1 Released

Today, David Heinemeier Hansson has announced the release of the first "Release Candidate" of Rails 2.2. Mike Gunderloy has put together a remarkable page listing all of the key changes individually. They include:


Live Blogging from Rails Summit Latin America

The much anticipated Rails Summit Latin America is underway and runs till the end of Thursday in Sao Paulo, Brazil. So far Chad Fowler has taken the stage with a keynote and David Heinemeier Hansson has appeared via video link. Sessions…


Rails Rumble 2008

Have you ever thought about giving up sleep for a weekend to participate in one of the Rails Rumbles? If so, it's time to start thinking about putting together a team and coming up with a project idea because the…


New Relic Goes Free: Quality Rails Monitoring Now Free To All

Disclaimer: New Relic sponsors Ruby and Rails Inside. This announcement is not advertorial, however, and is written as objectively as possible. Similar items have been written for non-sponsors, such as this item on Scout.

New Relic is best known as a provider of…

Rails Guides Hackfest - Get Prizes For Working on Rails Documentation

Outside of thread safety and internationalization support (both of which will be supported in Rails 2.2), one of the most maligned areas for Rails development has been the online documentation.

An effort to improve that situation though was recently posted on…

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