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Rails Rumble 2008

In Events, News

Have you ever thought about giving up sleep for a weekend to participate in one of the Rails Rumbles? If so, it's time to start thinking about putting together a team and coming up with a project idea because the 2008 Rails Rumble is just around the corner.

According the official Rails Rumble blog - the dates for this years Rumble have been selected as October 18th and 19th.

There will only be 200 seats available so make sure that you register early (and actually participate if you consume one of the seats). Virtual Private Server provider Linode is providing 200 Xen powered virtual servers for each team to deploy their application to meanwhile GitHub has provided 200 private repositories for the Rumble as well.

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One Comment Response to “Rails Rumble 2008”

  1. #1
    mikhailov Says:

    This event was unique. Participation in this competition has given me the knowledge and skills in programming

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