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Rails Underground - A London-Based Rails Conference for 2009

In Events

logo.png Last month, David A Black announced that O'Reilly and Ruby Central wouldn't be putting on a European Rails conference - as they have for the past few years:

Ruby Central and O’Reilly have decided to take a hiatus from producing RailsConf Europe this year, for the simple reason that it didn’t bring in enough revenue last year to justify doing it again, particularly given the tight economy and the need to err on the side of caution.

The enterprising Mark Coleman decided, however, that Europe must have a big Rails conference and he's put together Rails Underground 2009. Based in London, it takes place over July 24-25, 2009 and at least several luminaries will be in attendance, including Yehuda Katz, Dr Nic Williams, Jason Hoffman, and Geoffrey Grosenbach. David Heinemeier Hansson won't be there but will attend "virtually" to give a presentation over a video link (as he did at Euruko 2008).

Registration is currently in a very limited (30 tickets only!) "very early bird" phase costing £160, but the regular early bird rate of £180 will kick in once those have been sold.

If you want to speak, the deadline for proposals is noon on May 18th.

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7 Comment Responses to “Rails Underground - A London-Based Rails Conference for 2009”

  1. #1
    Chris McGrath Says:

    Is Scotland not in Europe any more?

  2. #2
    Peter Cooper Says:

    Scotland is a total pain in the arse to get to so I consider SoR as more of a local conference than a pan-European one. To be fair though, Mark is billing Rails Underground as a "London Rails Conference" so this is only my silly opinion ;-)

  3. #3
    Ricardo Duarte Says:

    Mind the gap!

  4. #4
    Peter Cooper Says:

    Yeah, I love that logo :)

  5. #5
    Dr Nic Says:

    Did I hear there's no drinking on the London Underground anymore? Let's hope this doesn't apply to Rails Underground!

  6. #6
    Peter Cooper Says:

    Yep, it's true. That said, I don't know how you could hold a tinny on one of those bloody rackety old trains anyway... :)

  7. #7
    s.andringa Says:

    Rails Underground was great! I have posted a write up of our experience here Big thanks to Mark Coleman.

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