New to Rails 3? Check out the Ruby on Rails 3 Tutorial book and screencast.

A book and screencast series showing you how to develop and deploy industrial-strength Rails apps in a direct, step by step way. The screencast series includes 12 lessons over more than 15 hours! Get the best "over the shoulder" experience of following what a top Rails 3 developer does when building an app today. Click here to learn more.

Passenger + Apache Upload Progress Bar

Drogomir shows how to get an upload progress bar working in your Rails app using Phusion Passenger and Apache.

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Setting Up a Rails Development Environment on Windows

Fabio Akita has put together a comprehensive walkthrough blog post on setting up a Rails development environment on Windows. This isn't particularly tricky in any case, but Fabio presents some good practices that only become apparent through experience (of which…

Active Rails Documentation Projects

Mike Gunderloy explains what active Rails documentation projects there are and how you can get involved.

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Rails Industry Updates for January 2009

Welcome to the first in a new series of posts - "Rails Industry Updates" - where we focus on the latest news from companies that either depend entirely on Rails or who are significant users of Rails. This series acts as a…

Subdomains on Rails explained

Robby Russell presents an explanation of how to do account-referencing using subdomains in Rails.

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Rails on track for major upgrades

Infoworld takes a look at how Rails is on track for some major upgrades. Quotes from DHH, Yehuda Katz, and more.

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Mastering Rails Forms Screencasts by Ryan Bates

The Pragmatic Programmers has released a new series of Rails-focused screencasts, "Mastering Rails Forms" with Ryan Bates. You'll probably already know Ryan Bates for his Railscasts free Rails screencasts, but these are a commercial endeavor. They cost $5 each and run…

attr_encrypted: Encrypts and Decrypts Your Attributes Transparently

attr_encrypted is a Ruby library by Sean Huber that generates attr_accessors that can encrypt and decrypt your attribute data transparently and on the fly. attr_encrypted comes as a gem, and isn't strictly for Rails only - it supports ActiveRecord and DataMapper…

How to set up virtualized Rails environment on Xen

Damien of New Bamboo demonstrates how to set up a virtualized Rails hosting environment with Xen - includes a great script to perform a lot of the steps.

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The Rails Way Returns

Back in the days of Rails 1.x, one of the most influential Rails websites was The Rails Way that was run by Rails core team members Jamis Buck and Michael Koziarski. The purpose of the site was to help teach early Rails…

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